HPLC lab

EU Batch Release Testing

EU Batch Release Testing

EU Batch Release Testing is an important part of pharmaceutical testing offered by contract research organizations based in the EU. Are you planning to market a pharmaceutical product in the European Union that is manufactured outside the EU, then you might know that testing of your product needs to be performed in a cGMP accredited laboratory that is physically located in the European Union.

SHU is your Strategic partner for EU Batch Release Testing with it’s central location in the Netherlands. Important gateways to Europe like Amsterdam Schiphol Airport or Harbour of Rotterdam are only 50 kilometers from our facility. SHU offers a broad package of testing services to release your product to the market. This can be trough you own Qualified Person or through one of the QP’s SHU has collaborations with. Please contact us if you want to gather more information.

Registration of drug product to MOH in Lebanon

In addition to EU Batch Release Testing SHU offers registration testing for Lebanon. To launch your product in Lebanon the Ministry of Health of Lebanon requires a Certificate of Analyses of your product performed by a WHO prequalified control laboratory like SHU.
The route to launch your product requires only a few steps:

  • Signing a mutual CDA/NDA (if required)
  • Sharing your analytical methods and specifications
  • Requesting a quote

Interested what we can do to support your needs, please contact us.